Bratwurst Recipe #7

Recipe By : Mark Taylor
Serving Size : 20


25 feet hog casings -- rinsed

8 pounds pork -- ground
2 pounds bacon -- ground
10 teaspoons kosher salt
10 teaspoons white pepper -- ground
3 teaspoons mace -- ground
10 teaspoons celery seeds
10 tablespoons garlic -- minced
1/2 ounce dry sage -- rubbed
16 ounces ice -- crushed


  1. Combined all ingredients in mixer using paddle blade.
  2. Chill in freezer for about 1 hour
  3. Stuff into hog casings (approx 25 ft)


2003-10-05 - Forgot the celery seed. This was the first try using bacon. Pork was estimated to be 20% fat, bacon 33% fat, therefore total fat content should be about 23%. Would like to have it about 30%.


Observed weights:

salt 1.25 oz, 35 g.

pepper 0.75 oz, 25g;

mace 0.25 oz. 10 g;

garlic 2.75 oz, 80g;

sage 0.5 oz, 15g.

KitchenAid helped with the mixing and stuffing works much better without the grinder blade!. Chilling the mix before stuffing helps push it through the stuffer.

This was recipe try number 7 and its pretty close to what I was trying for.


Copyright © 2007 Georgie and Mark Taylor - Hungry Horse Ranch  All rights reserved